The Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) is used for the measurement of several environmental data.
The environmental monitoring system shall consist of the following components:
1 No. weather station;
1 No. current sensor;
1 No. wave & tide sensor; and
1 No. sensor mounting frame.
Weather Station
Wind speed & direction;
Air temperature;
Air Pressure; and
Current Sensor
The current sensor shall be based on the Doppler Shift principle. The sensor shall be installed a minimum of 2.2m from adjacent structures in all directions.
Criteria - Design value
Current Speed -
Range - 0 to 3 [m/s]
Resolution - 0.1 %
Accuracy - ±0.5 [cm/s]
Current Direction -
Range - 0 to 360 º
Resolution - 1 º
Accuracy - ±5 º
Temperature -
Sensor Range - -10 to 43 [ºC]
Resolution - 0.05 [ºC]
Accuracy - ±0.1 [ºC]
Wave & Tide Sensor
The wave & tide sensor provides the following data:
•Wave Amplitudes;
•Wave periods;
•Tide Level;
•Barometric Pressure;
•Water Temperature; and
•Specific Weight of Sea-Water.
Tide data can be logged in a trend. Wave amplitude and period are presented in histograms.
Three (3) dedicated transmitters provide the signals for wave and tide analysis.
The sensors will be deployed vertically at specific depths depending to suit local tidal conditions and to be approved by the Contractor.