G.50 has been designed to ensure massive non-stop output, whilst guaranteeing at the same time the high-quality ironing finish characterizing GMP drying ironers.
Strongly built with cutting-edge features like SKS System and , G.50 represent the ideal choice for the needs of the 4-5 stars hotels and of the small industrial laundries.
SKS System: Special Steam Suction Hood
A new and specially designed steam extraction technology that offers relevant benefits in comparison to the conventional system:
- Extra-wide steam extraction surface: water will evaporate very quickly from the linen and the belts, allowing working at higher ironing speed.
- Shorter drying times.
- No heat dispersion: because of its special design, the hood will extract only the humidity (steam) without affecting the temperature of the cylinder, eliminating heat dispersions and thus saving on energy costs.
- Extremely silent.
- Easy replacement of the pressure roller ribbons.
FSS allows easy and quick replacement of the cylinder support wheels, one of the most common maintenance operations on a drying ironer. It additionally enormously increases system reliability thanks to the homogeneous weight distribution granted by the special design.