A collaboration between Horizon and renowned designer Cor D. Rover, our latest CC model, the CC115, features innovative spatial concepts on both her interior and exterior. She is customized to suit her owners - who have an abundance of knowledge and experience in both engineering and yachting - and will reflect not only their specific lifestyle requirements but also Horizon’s commitment to quality in design and construction.
The Horizon Group, Exceeding the Standards
For ovcr 30 ycars, thc Horizon Group has dcfincd, pcrfcctcd and consistcntly cxcccdcd thc standards for design and craftsmanship with its range of 52 to 150-foot luxury motor yachts. As one of the largest yacht builders in the world, Horizon focuses on eight specialized sériés, each unique in style and function, and each designed and built to the highest standards to suit cvcry customer's individual yachting lifcstylc.