The hōu 16 is all you need for a good trip! Be that a day out with the family or a multi day adventure. It will carry plenty of gear, or alternatively a lot of kids and all with ease. Its the big brother of thehōu-15.
The extra 1ft length over its younger sibling gives a slightly more efficient glide and improved tracking whilst the slight rocker aids turning when required. Once again, with good depth it will handle white water and help you just as much whether you are on the lake or river. A fantastic modern all rounder.
As a modern style boat that performs exactly as you would want it to. Great carrying capacity whilst being kind to you on the moving water and not to much of a handful in the breeze. The flatter, slight rounded hull is well proven and will makes paddling this boat an enjoyable experience whatever your skill level and whatever type of water you choice. Another popular boat with outdoor education centres.