Steel Dock
SteelDock is our strategy for light and practical pontoons. SteelDock floating steel & aluminium dock features flexible shapes as well as the ability to realize challenging architectural designs. SteelDock is cost-effective and easy to transport and install.
SteelDock is a robust system of individual modules formulated for maximum resistance to the disorderly behaviour of moored vessels. SteelDock modules are forged from hot galvanised steel to resist the corrosive action of seawater.
Steel Dock floating steel pontoon is manufactured with galvanized steel and it is equivalent to plastic docks with its capacity and usage area. It has a longer service life compared to the plastic docks. Point crack in the plastic dock, the floating structure begins to take water and loses its carriage over time. Although the steel dock is only %30 expensive for plastic pontoons, and also buayancy capacity is 2 times its commercial life.
Steel dock is also balanced dock. It does not show a regional extension aganist point loads.
The SteelDock scaffold group is especially preferred for different sizes and non-symmetrical architectural applications. Standard scaffold manufacturing can only be carried out in certain standard sizes and square shape. With the SteelDock product, it is possible to make all kinds of circular and different forms and sizes. It offers unique solution on water especially in different architectural solutions.
With steel manufacturing group, especially floating pools, floating city furniture, sporty scaffolds, floating publicity areas and you can imagine many different manufacturing is possible.