Self-Contained Deck-Mounted Outboard Hydraulic Thrusters
(4500-10500 foot pounds of thrust)
Compact and powerful, these fully self-contained turn-key marine thruster units are over-the-road and ISO container transportable and quickly mounted and removed with ease. As the patent holder, HMS is the only manufacturer of dual-drive marine thrusters and offers the shallowest-draft units on the market. HMS produces several models ranging from 225 to 320 horse-power (170-240 kW) but all are customizable and configured to suit customer requirements. 180 degree steering, variable depth, and thrust nozzle features make these thruster units particularly well-suited to constricted inland shallow-draft operation where vessel maneuverability is absolutely critical. Multiple models are available including custom configurations, combinations, and options.
See the Twin Tsumami Thruster product brochure by clicking the catalog tab.