The Model 881A Azimuth Drive is a rugged and powerful rotary actuator drive that can be coupled to an Imagenex Model 881A Profiling Sonar. The two axes of rotation in this combined unit provide the capability to obtain accurate, high resolution range information in any direction. In standard applications, profiles may be made in any direction by simply commanding the Azimuth Drive to rotate the attached profiling sonar anywhere in a circle. The profiling sonar can then perform a cross-sectional scan before being rotated to a new azimuth angle. The Azimuth Drive uses the same RS-485 serial communications line and command structure as the profiling head. A single, simple to use PC compatible computer program operates both, and full communications protocol specifications are provided for designing customized software.
Continuous Rotation
Suitable for Autonomous or Remote Deployment
3D Precision Surveying
Sediment Transport Research
Marine Geology
Scientific Research