Nicknamed the Meg, it is the ISC flagship model. The system has been in production for 8 years and there are over 1000 Meg CCR systems in the field. The Meg has been used all over the world and used as deep as 742ffw/224mfw. The Megalodon CCR has a reputation for reliability and can withstand extreme use.
Meg with available options
The Meg may be integrated with several types of electronic systems, scrubber sizes and types, gas supply cylinders, harness and BC assemblies. There are 21 versions of the Meg to support customer needs. The Meg is being used as a side mounted system for penetration into extreme enclosed spaces and doubled up as a twin system for CCR redundancy for extreme deep diving operations where carrying open circuit bailout is impractical.The ISC Megalodon CCR or more fondly called “The Meg” is a CCR system that has been embraced by divers of all skill levels around the world. Meg divers dive from 60fsw to over 742 fsw/225 msw. With its versatility of design, it can be configured to meet any level of diving and keep pace with the “Meg divers” skill levels.
Fundamentally the Meg was designed for the most demanding dives with consideration for the diver and their needs. Addressing not only the basic requirements of performance that a true 3rd party tested CCR must undergo, but also the other considerations that is not considered, such as travel concerns and conducting repairs in remote locations.