A light coloured, tar free, surface tolerant, universal primer with high volume solids (82%). Intergard 5000 is also tolerant of damp surfaces (see limitations section).
Volume Solids
VOC content (EPA method)
220 g/lt
Maximum Dry film thickness
Minimum Dry film thickness
As a one or two coat system which can be applied directly to mechanically prepared shop primer or grit blasted, hydroblasted or mechanically cleaned surfaces.
For use at Newbuilding, Maintenance & Repair or On Board Maintenance.
Colour KBA501-Aluminium
For the availability of other colours, consult International Paint.
Finish/Sheen Semi-gloss
Part B (Curing Agent) KBA505
Volume Solids 82% ±2% (ISO 3233:1998)
Mix Ratio 4 volume(s) Part A to 1 volume(s) Part B
Typical Film Thickness 150 microns dry (183 microns wet). Range 125 - 350 microns dry (152 - 427 microns wet) may be specified depending upon end use.
Theoretical Coverage 5.47 m²/litre at 150 microns dft, allow appropriate loss factors
Method of Application Airless Spray, Brush, Roller
Flash Point (Typical) Part A 32°C; Part B 58°C; Mixed 33°C
Induction Period Not required