These Fenders are used on Tugs, Ocean going Vessels, and Boats. These Fenders are also used for extensive applications on small jetties and fishing harbours.
“DIPTI” D-Type Boat Fenders (Series DDB) are commonly used on Tugs, Vessels & Boats. These Fenders are also used for extensive applications on small jetties and fishery harbours too. They are compression moulded with steel inserts if required.
These Fenders are offered with different fitting options as per the requirement. These Fenders are easy to install and replace and are designed for excellent sea water resistance, resistance to ozone and ultra violet rays, which enhances the life of Fenders under severe working conditions.
“DIPTI” Boat Fenders series DDB are available in wide range from 100 mm height to 500 mm height in various shapes and lengths as per client’s requirement.