Elastic Cuffs
It’s a great way to protect a firefighter's arm from injury while fighting a fire
Removable Stickers
It’s convenient to figure out whoes name according the stickers
Thicken of the
Knee Area which can protect knee and avoid injury.
Out layer: Aramid flame retardant fabric
Waterproof breathable layer: Aramid non-woven fabric+ PTEE film
Thermal protective coating: Aramid spiny thermal insulation felt
Comfort layer: Aramid viscose flame retardant fabric
2. - Fluorescent yellow reflective marking tapes
3. - Overall thermal protection performance
• - TPP (cal/cm2): ^28
• No melting, brittle cracking and shrinkage phenomenon
4. - Out layer:
• - Sustained burning time (s): <2
• Destroy the length (mm): <100_
5. - Waterproof breathable layer:
• - Sustained burning time (s): <2
• - Destroy the length (mm): <100
6. - Thermal protective coating:
• - Sustained burning time (s): <2
• Destroy the length (mm): <100_
7. - Comfort layer:
• - Sustained burning time (s): <2