THe IDFC air conditioning system is composed of a fresh air system which provides treated air to AC rooms through medium and low pressure single duct system and a return air system which adopts IDFC AC unit to treat return air.IDFC AC unit can ensure the comfort and indicidauation of each cabin.
Main components:
It is composed of fresh air air conditioner, IDFC unit, terminal device, air duct system, control system, refrigeration device, shutoff valve, fresh air inlet and other parts.
System functions:
Fresh air treatment: in summer, fresh air is cooled in the air conditioner. In winter, fresh air is heated in the air conditioner. According to different types of ships and actual demand, enthalpy humid exchanger can be selected as the component of fresh air conditioner to further achieve the purpose of energy saving.
IDFC unit air treatment: air is sent to the air supply section of THE IDFC unit at one time in the cabin, bypassed from the fan, or mixed with circulating air after the IDFC unit.
Air distribution: Fresh air is processed by the fresh air conditioner according to the current setting before distribution, distributed to the cabin area through the spiral air duct system, and then into the air conditioning cabin through the IDFC unit.
System advantages:
IDFC air conditioning system is very suitable for the ship with more living rooms and personnel. For these ships, IDFC air conditioning system can effectively save space in the installation of air conditioners and duct systems, so as to achieve the purpose of air conditioning system energy saving, comfortable and personalized cabin environment.