Diesel generator monitoring is a hardware and software solution for fuel monitoring, monitoring of diesel generator operation parameters and engine diagnostics, receiving electrical data from alternator and remote genset control.
Smart solution for remote monitoring of diesel gensets allows ensuring uninterrupted operation of DG, reducing fuel and operation costs, optimizing maintenance schedule and preventing generator service outage, thus extending genset life cycle.
Genset monitoring system includes the following measurement equipment (additional gensetes sensors):
fuel level sensors,
fuel flow meters,
I/o modules,
Modbus RTU converters of data from a genset controller,
CAN bus readers from engine J1939 data busдвигателя,
telematics gateway.
All sensors and genset controller are connected into a single network over J1939/S6 interface or over-the-air wireless S7 Technology.
Telematics gateway (also called tracking unit or telematics unit) generates reports on generator operation using received parameters and sends information over the Internet (2G, 3G, LTE) to a web-based software platform. Also, diesel generator operation parameters can be checked locally on the screen of CAN display or genset’s controller screen.