Set of 4 lines, folded around a winder.
High quality pre-stretched kite lines, with very very low stretching.
The lines are coated, so they last longer and are easy to unroll.
The loops come with pigtails: knots are mounted at the end of the loops, so you can connect to either a knot or a loop on the briddle of the kite.
These are the same lines as the ones installed with the pro model universal bars.
Universal bars come with 2 meter leader lines. If you order a set, keep in mind that you need to add 2 meters in your calculation of total length.
For instance: 22 meter kite lines + 2 meter back leader lines correspond to a 24 meter bar.
Back leader lines on the universal Kite Attitude bars are longer than usual, and allow easy standardisation. It is very convenient to switch kite lines, since all lines are even length.
2018 kite lines provide numerous benefits:
- high performance,
- Top European quality and sewing
- Very low stretching
- Integrated "pigtails" in the loops
For instance, a Cabrinha kite has knots for the back lines, and loops for the front lines. You can connect the universal bar directly to a Cabrinha kite. Same for other brands.
- Coated lines
Real dyneema lines from Holland. The best possible quality.
One of the front lines has a thin splice to slide perfectly Inside the safety ring and the quick releaser.