The central hole of the quick releaser is wider than any other quick releaser on the market. As a result, when you trigger the quick releaser, the safety line slides very smoothly, back and forth (especially the connection between the safety line and the kite line).
This quick releaser is very short. So it is ideal for young people and also wave-riders and race foil riders.
It is also super easy to reconnect.
AKA version 2:
The AKA quick releaser has a new alloy swivel. It is more efficient and is made by Clamcleat, the world specialist of cleats. This is a high quality, light and strong quick releaser. Clamcleat has been very helpful performing load tests up to 800 kg (!). The new AKA releases with less than 10 kg when pulling 300 kg. This is much better than the French Afnor standard. The chicken loop ends with a new thiner alloy part, also made by Clamcleat.
The new AKA chicken loop is available in 3 different sizes:
small: ideal for waveriding, hydrofoiling and/or young people
medium: all purpose
large: hardcore freestylers!
The NF S-52 503 French Afnor regulation says that you must replace the chicken loop/quick releaser every year, and more often in case of intensive use.
Regarding the AKA QR: you don't need to replace all parts every year (every 2 or 3 years is ok), but you must at least replace the chicken loop tube and rope inside the chicken loop every year, and more often in case of intensive use.