The Model 7171 Full Follow-Up Control Lever is designed for a Full Follow-Up Rudder Control system. It is intended to be used in the hydraulic power system for positioning the rudder proportionate to lever movement. A feedback unit is required on the rudder stock with an electronic interface to make this system functional. On many request by our customers to provide a jog lever that is spring returned to midposition with double micro-switches (2 per side), the 7171 unit is capable of providing with these features. The 7171 Control Lever is available with many options. It is equipped to carry 2 potentiometers, 2 trim pots and 2 microswitches, with a neutral detent, and the lever will stay in a given position.
Made in bronze and stainless steel, it will offer many years of outdoor service on a ship or boat.
A 2 switches & 1 potentiometer
B 2 switches & 2 potentiometers
G 4 switches
P 1 potentiometer (1K)
Ohms rating for potentiometer must be specified when ordering.
A trim pot will be supplied with each potentiometer.
Approx. weight: 5 lb. (2.2 kg)