Our compact series of products include the “cJoy” joystick control system, especially developed to meet the requirements for an independent joystick system (IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1580 ch. 3.7). However, the system can be used on all vessels with a need for a joystick to control the vessel. The system offers advanced wind compensated joystick control with automatic heading control. GNSS based station keeping may be offered as an option.
cJoy is a joystick control system consisting of a cJoy controller unit and a cJoy operator terminal. The terminal consists of a display, buttons and a computer built into a small cabinet allowing it to be fitted into existing consoles or mounted in areas where space is limited. The controller unit and the operator terminal communicate via a single network connection. The system provides interfaces to the thrusters and necessary sensors.
The cJoy operator terminal provides vessel control via joystick or autopilot. It is ergonomically designed for simple control, and features a colour display, 3-axis joystick and quick access buttons for intuitive operation. The cJoy wing terminal can be interfaced to the operator terminal and mounted outdoors as a cost-effective tool for joystick manoeuvring at the bridge wings.
Operational modes
Joystick mode: Allows the operator to manually control the vessel’s position and heading from a Joystick.
Auto Heading mode: The Joystick system will automatically maintain the required vessel heading.
Station Keeping mode (optional): The DP system will automatically maintain the present position and heading. GNSS interface is required.