The K-Bridge conning display makes key information easily available for efficient monitoring. It is a screen based information system. Sensor input data and corresponding orders (set points) collected from individual sensors and instruments are logically grouped and presented on a screen for easy viewing from the primary workstations up to a distance of 2 meters from the screen. The conning information display system uses graphic display technique and locates the data inputs appropriately around and on a symbol illustrating the configuration of the ship. Bridge and watch alarm system is available as an integrated function of the conning display, with clear alarm message display and acknowledgment functions at every conning display.
Orders displayed
Course to steer
Radius for the turn in process
Status information displayed
Rudder angle
Speed forward and astern as well as athwart ship if applicable (depending on the log system)
Thruster pitch
Main propeller RPM and pitch
Water depth
True and relative wind speed and direction