The EM 2040C is a shallow water multibeam echosounder based on the EM 2040 technology, an ideal tool for any high resolution mapping and inspection applications.
The operating frequency range is from 200 to 400 kHz with frequency selection in steps of 10 kHz,enabling the user to choose on the fly the best operating frequency for the application. Due to the large operating bandwidth available, the system has an output sample rate up to 60 kHz. The system can effectively operate with very short pulse lengths, the shortest pulse being 14 microseconds giving a raw range resolution (ct/2) of 10.5 mm. By utilizing both CW and FM chirp pulses, the system can achieve long range capability still maintain a high resolution. The maximum depth range for a dual head system in cold ocean water is 520 m at 200 kHz with a swath width up to 700 m. The angular coverage for 200 to 320 kHz modes are 140° with one sonar head, allowing coverage of 5.5 times water depth. For a dual transducer system, 200° angular coverage or 10 times the water depth is achieved on a flat bottom. As an option the EM 2040C MKII can be delivered with the dual swath capability, allowing a sufficient sounding density to meet survey coverage standards along track while maintaining a high vessel speed.
The basic EM 2040C MKII has three components: a sonar head, a processing unit and a workstation. The EM 2040C MKII can be delivered with the standard processing unit or a IP67 rated (24 VDC) portable processing unit.