The Baikal is a very roomy and safe Seekajak. The sum of our experiences of long-term expeditions, Patagonien, South America and Baikalsee, were relevant to the develop this kayak. It offers lots of volume combined with good stability and a fast straight line. A large roomy cockpit hatch offers plenty of comfort to the paddler, especially for bigger paddlers. The extensive deck covering offers sufficiently luggage possibilities for expanded luggage travels.
Equipment features
Balance rudder system
2 oval rubber hatch covers
transparent bulkheads
20mm fabric tape outer seam
toggle, all-around rope, luggage net and bungee deck rigging
three different material options
MAC 3-Cockpit
steering foot pedal on centre rail
adjustable Comflex-seat with seat cushion
backrest with Contour-cushion
adjustable thigh braces
day hatch in front of cockpit
third bulkhead with hatch cover behind the seat
compass Silvia 70 P with console
spraydeck / hatch cover: size K SuperBighole
further extra equipment on request