If you want to be on the safe side, are looking for a particularly large cockpit or need a lot of room for thighs and big feet, please take a seat in the Skagerrak! The Skagerrak also offers plenty of storage space for expeditions and long journeys away from civilization. The good-natured, yet fast hull conveys a lot of security and control without looking like a cargo ship. Despite its large volume, the Skagerrak is a sporty sea kayak - just for larger paddlers.
The skeg rudder was established in 2007, only for one seakayak, the Lettmann “Polar” which was not easy to navigate, due to its very round hull design. After that the skeg rudder was completely retrieved in 2014 for our “Biskaya”. Kayaker immediately loved the new opportunity to use both – skeg and rudder – in one system. The biskaya became our most successful sea kayak in our range. Now, after mounting it also to our Greenland seakayak “Skinner”, the Skagerrak is the third kayak with this innovative and perfectly working system.
The Skagerrak's Update
Our newcomer now has a little Brother, the MV. Reduced in volume it is made for medium-weight and -size paddlers, wanting to have a fast and maneuverable seakayak with a big cockpit. It is now offically available!
Equipment features
2 oval rubber hatch covers
transparent bulkheads
20mm fabric tape outer seam
toggle, all-around rope, luggage net and bungee deck rigging
three different material variants