Sprint Recreational Rowing Shell
The number one, most asked question by those both new and old to the sport of rowing is … “Where can I find the ideal entry level, open water rowing shell”? Little River Marine has responded to your quest, and added the SPRINT to our complete line of recreational rowing craft.
By design, the SPRINT offers all the features you should look for in an introductory craft, such as:
A “must” characteristic that insures the novice of a sure-handed row, and the veterans of a safe and comforting row. With a little “trick of the trade,” you can even let go of the oars, which may encourage taking that fishing pole on your next row.
It’s very rewarding to know that the SPRINT can challenge most any rowable condition, and get you home dry. The high reverse splashrails are designed to turn away any wave your bow dips into. They surround the enclosed cockpit and together are your guarantee to tackling rougher waters. Even a sloping rear deck was added to ship out any water that dares to enter. By knowing this, you can’t sink or swamp this shell, which also makes it one of the safest rowing shells on the market today.