SYA 4 Workboat
SYA 4 is a luxury catamaran ‘work boat’, for use all year round in both warm and cold climates. The vessel has been created by the mother ship’s crew to fulfil the need of a vessel that operates non-stop, ferrying items such as stores, rubbish and equipment between the mother ship and shore, and between tenders. The vessel also operates as back-up guest transport if the main passenger tenders became unavailable.
SYA 4 operates up to 12 hours a day servicing the main vessel with supplies, ferrying equipment, guest luggage, garbage, and at times taking guests ashore in more remote locations that have no docks. The centre bow section lowers hydraulically and extends to provide access to the beach, facilitated using Hamilton waterjets for shallow water operation.
Her hull shape is an asymmetrical demi-hull planing catamaran, with spray rails and chines, designed to be run at medium speed in moderate sea conditions. Constructed from marine grade aluminium, the requirement for a mix of sanded and highly polished finish made this a challenging build to achieve a perfect fair finish without the ability to use filler. Although this vessel has a different style from its sister tenders, it follows the same philosophy of hidden detail, with seats, stairs, lockers, and hatches seemly appearing out of the bulwarks and deck. Deck fillers, and locker handles are all disguised in the same pattern as the milled stainless-steel deck tie-downs, and the shut lines are all hidden within the caulking lines of the extensive teak cladding.