Parts List 4500#:
The Lunmar I beam clamp (IBC) cradle boat lifts are designed to clamp to the flange of an existing pair of i-beams located over the lift points of the boat. The i-beams in these i-bean mount kits can run across the boat or in line with the boat. The gearbox mount , sealed bearings and offset hangers all clamp to bottom flange of beam and require no drilling. This is an easy boat lift to install, featuring quality boat lift parts. Please specify flange width of i-beam when ordering (how wide is the beam?). For example, most 8" beams have either a 4" or 5.25" flange, most 6" beams have a 3.3" or 4" flange.
(2) AMS 3000 (motors, gearplates, switches, and GFCI)
(4) 1/4" x 20' Stainless Steel Cable with Eye and Shackle on End
(2) 106 I Gearbox Mounts
(8) 109 I Sealed Bearings
(4) 6# Cable Weights
(4) 1/2" x 1 1/2" Bolts/Nuts/Locks/Flats
(2) 4" x 14' Weighted Nylon Slings
Parts List 7500#:
(2) AMS 3000 (motors, gearplates, switches, and GFCI)
(4) 1/4" x 30' Stainless Steel Cable with Eye and Shackle on End
(2) 106 I Geabox Mounts
(8) 109 I Sealed Bearings
(4) 560 Pulleys
(4) 6# Cable Weights
(4) 1/2" x 1 1/2" Bolts/Nuts/Locks/Flats
(2) White Covers with Hardware
(2) 4" x 14' Weighted Nylon Slings
Parts List 10,000# :
(2) AMS 4000 (motors, gearplates, switches, and GFCI)
(4) 5/16' x 30' Stainless Steel Cable with Eye and Shackle on End
(2) 106 I Gearbox Mount
(8) 109 I Sealed Bearings
(4) 110 Offset Hangers
(4) 560 Pulleys
(4) 6# Cable Weights
(4) 1/2" x 1 1/2" Bolts/Nuts/Locks/Flats
(2) White Covers with Hardware
(2) 6" x 16' Weighted Nylon Slings