Typhoon hovercraft
Universal hovercraft for work, fun and rescue
Typhoon is 3-4 perscn high performance hovercraft desîgned for work, rescue or Personal use - as you like it, as you need it!
This hovercraft model was designed and developed in years 2008- 2009,now produced as serial model.
Hovercraft is idéal for Personal use as weü as prcfessional use (search 8: rescue & work) Typhoon MAD-81L hovercraft is high performance machine:
•Suprême floatation when not hovering
•Veny short time to get over hump after a v/ater stop - v/e measure seconds to beat hump and hover again
•Highest thrust power to hovercraft v/eight ratio
•Complété heavy duty hull v/ith accessorîes, but still ultra lîght, designed for "step-on” and ail accessories designed for "grab- on”
•Fully aerodynamic rudders v/ith flovv stators results suprême agility of our Typhoon MAD-81L
•and more...
Typhoon MAD-81L is a machine for professionals, where the highest quality, reliability and performance is "must hâve’.
Hunting, fishing, surveying, Crossing sv/ift v/aters, lakes. rivers. rapids and recreational boating as v/ell rescue are amcng the most pcpular reasons to own a MAD hovercraft.
Our craft v/ill allov/ you to na'.-igate through areas you never ’.vould hâve imagined you could go.
Flying a hovercraft is a truly unique and one of a kind expérience that every person should be able to enjoy.
Hovercraft spécification
Hovercraft length: 4 m 10 cm
Hovercraft v/idth: 2 m 32 cm
Thrust duct diameter: 91 cm
Cockpit v/idth: 120 cm
Fuel tank capacity: 30 lit.
Cushion height: 25 cm
Hovercraft total weight: 300 kg
Hovercraft steering: 4 x aerodynamic rudders
Inbuilt buoyancy: 350 liter - unsinkable hull