Our hand built spiral stairs provide access between decks for either the aft deck or saloon. Aluminum or highly polished 316-L stainless steel construction with your tread choice and optional lighting. Straight and half-spiral stairs are also available.
Space saving yet comfortable access to upper and lower decks
Custom fitted to the boat
A MarQuipt Spiral Stair built to your specifications is of the highest level of craftsmanship available anywhere. Completely hand fabricated of the highest quality stainless steel and polished to a spectacular shine, our Spiral Stairs are often the crowning touch to the interior or aft deck of finer yachts around the world.
You necd not limit your imagination to stainless sied however, we hâve design ed and built beautiful Spiral Stairs for customers which hâve incorporated crystal and Lexan* componcnts. gold platcd highlights and integrated lighting. Aiuminum stairs finished to match the yacht are another popular option.
Call us with your ideas and we will be more than happv to work with you in creating the perfect stair for your yacht.
Spiral Stairs arc just onc example of our custom design and fabrication capabilitics. NlarQuipt has an entire department dedicated to stainless stcd fabrication of both standard and custom products.