High-polished stainless-steel hoop railings - either permanently fixed to the deck or removable, fitting into polished stainless-steel deck sockets with Delrin bushings. Gates and custom fittings available upon request.
High-polished 316L stainless steel construction
Fixed or removable
Various tube diameters
Specify desired horizontal span / removable socket spacing
Railings fit into Delrin-lined polished stainless-steel deck-sockets and may be removed for swim or tender access.
Additional deck sockets.
Additional sockets into which the railings fit. The same sockets support our stainless-steel swim ladders
Horizontal cross-bar
Horizontal bar running across the center of the hoop, halfway between the deck and top of hoop.
MarQuipt Shimlcss Steel Handrails arc truly in a class by themselves.
Fabricatcd of thc highcst quality polishcd 316-L stainlcss stccl tubing, thèse railings beautitully acccntuate aft dccks and transom extensions.
Both strong and attractive, our railings arc designed to last thc life of your vessel.
Below and Right:
Removable hoop rails with polishcd stainless Steel and Delrin sockets.
Fixed and rcmovablc hoop style rails. Straight or curved wcldcd railings. Positive latching gates with concealcd. non-fouling Dclrin and stainlcss locking mechanisms.
1-1/4", 1-1/2" and 2" (32. 38 and 51 mm) diamctcr railings standard.
Custom sizes and styles available.