Our Multi Purpose Dredger Designed as an Amphibious and built in Istanbul. The Crocodile is suitable for a wide range of works in all types of bodies of water.The Crocodile, Multi Purpose Dredger is versatility on the water makes it suitable for uses ranging from heavy work too fast emergency response. Its powerful engine, propulsion system and pumps, superior mobility and sophisticated positioning equipment, place it in a class by itself. Another important environmental feature of the Multi-Purpose Dredger is its ability to operate with low noise levels, is equipped with a supercritical silencer that reduces noise to remarkably low levels.
Cleaning and restoring contaminated rivers and canals and other waterways / Reconstruction of shorelines / Creating wildlife habitats / Controlling vegetation / Installing water pipes, pipelines and submarine cables / Flood Control, Installing water pipes, pipelines and submarine cables with the Multi Purpose Dredger’s technology is possible to drive piles from the water. That protects the shores and enables pile driving at a considerable distance from the coast. The Crocodile Multi Purpose Dredger moves independently in water with its propulsion system and excavator assembly. Crocodile Multi Purpose Dredger anchors with its spuds and does not need steel cables for dredging which may disturb passing water traffic.