MD9900 is an automatic addressable detector setting off the alarm in case of smoke presence. A unalarmed temperature value is provided too.
Self diagnostic function generates fault condition in case of sensor failure or degradation.
The detector can be supplied with different baseplates according to the installation requirements.
The smoke détection unit is of optical type, based on Tindall effect. It includes a puise type emitter and a receptor working in infrared band, located inside the optical chamber, protected from extemal light but in contact with atmosphère. The ingress of smoke inside the chamber causes an increase of the energy received by the receptor, energy which is measured and handled by a conditioning circuit and sent to the sensor microprocessor.
Another dedicated sensor provides a voltage analog signal proportional to measured température, signal which is sent to the microprocessor for its processing. The detector software allows a very sélective assessment of the smoke measurement inside the optical chamber, thanks to advanced algorithms. This allows to exclude any wrong measurement due to extemal perturbation.
Those perturbations are tracked by the microprocessor which can then transmit a "Noise Detector" anomaly to the Central Unit.
The Central Unit monitors the évolution in the time of the analog value in the detector optical chamber without smoke. If this value go over a preset threshold for a long time a "Polluted Detector" fault signalization is displayed.
The detector continuously monitors the optical component and is able to provide a fault signalization in case of optical sensor failure or dégradation.