Our new Vector All Purpose spinnakers are optimized for use in a variety of conditions.
Our new Vector VMG spinnakers are optimized for use in light air VMG sailing.
Our new Vector running spinnakers are optimized for medium to heavy air running at low angles.
Our ncw VECTOR all-purposc spinnakers hâve been optimized for use in a varicty of conditions. By incorporating the latcst in software tcchnology and cutting equipment, wc hâve been ablc to crcatc shapes that demonstrate superb oiT the wind sailing charactcristics while at the samc time being ablc to sail wcll when pressed at tight angles. The Vcctor spinnakers achicvc this through carcful optimization of the vertical and horizontal cambcrs, which produccs a head shapc that is both stable and projccts wcll at lowcr angles. Many will find thèse sails to bc the first and last spinnaker used in Coastal and buoy racing.
You can rcap the rewards of our rcscarch and development rcgardlcss of type of boat or class. To sec what thèse sails can do for you contact the Neil Pryde agent nearest you.
S tandard Features
♦Comer rings arc webbed stainlcss Steel cxtcmal rings.
♦Scams stitchcd with 3-stcp stitching.
♦Sail Numbers
♦NP Integrated Patching in corners.
♦Offset lccch tapes for strength.
♦Statc-of-thc-art launch bag.
Evcry sail wc build comcs with thc assurance of a two ycar warranty of quality. service and value.
If you ever need service, our consultants will direct you to thc nearest of our worldwide network of Service lofts.
No matter whcrc in thc world your sailing takes you, wc arc thcrc to hclp.