Vectrix Cruising Spinnaker. This is a tried and true design that works well over a broad range of wind angles...from about 50-155 degrees. A must have sail for light air sailing.
Vectrix 100 Series optimized for AWA of 110-160 degrees. This our all purpose racing asymmetric.
Vectrix 90 Series optimized for AWA of 78-125 degrees
Vectrix 80 Series optimized for AWA of 70-105 degrees
Vectrix 70 Series optimized for AWA of 60-80 degrees. Also called the Blast Reacher
Our ncw Ncil Prydc Sails VECTRIX asymmctric spinnakers arc a culmination of ycars of asymmctric design work in dinghics, multi-hulls. sport boats and offshore racing classes. Incorporating the latcst in software tcchnology and cutting equipment has allowcd us to crcatc shapes that arc optimized for the particular type of boat bascd on use and design. As such, the Vcctrix spinnakers corne in four different séries, cach being carcfully enhaneed for the particular application.
The 100 Sériés is optimized for apparent wind angles of between 110 and 160 dcgrccs. This design would bc considcrcd an all-purposc design. If you arc going to hâve onc racing asymmctric, this is the onc to includc in your i inventory.
The 90 Sériés is optimized for apparent wind angles of between 78 and 125 dcgrccs. This design lends itsclf to use on boats with ample stability and onc that can use plcnty of power.
The 80 Sériés is optimized for apparent wind angles of between 70 and 105 dcgrccs. This design lends itself to use on 'sport' type boats that hâve less inhérent stability and accclcratc casily.