New Naval’s Spate PD 75 Diaphragmatic Pump made by Selwood™, is the ideal transfer pump for versatile applications including oil spill response operations, dewatering, tank cleaning procedures and many other tasks where pumping and liquid transfers take place. The pump has a double diaphragm that provides powerful suction along with oil and water emulsion prevention, allowing rapid gravity separation after pumping. The main advantage of the pump is its extremely light weight making it easy to handle, transport and position in emergency operations. The Pump has a 30 m³/h capacity. The pump can manage 6 mm in diameter solids.
powerful suction, easy handling, and rapid oil-water separation
the perfect pump for versatile, on-the-go operations
Key Features
Transfers a range of viscosities
Light-weight, compact and easily transported
Versatile applications
Pairs with a variety of oil spill response equipment
World-renowned performance
Pump Application
Liquid Transfer