Totally enclosed lifeboat is used on the tanker, dry cargo vessel, offshore platform, etc. The boats are used to protect and provide an escape in an emergency evacuation or accident happen onboard or offshore platform. The boats are launched and recovered by gravity davits, platform davits, or hydraulic davits.
Totally enclosed lifeboat has complied with LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE CODE MSC.218(82) & MSC.272(85) and tested in accordance with MSC. 81(70) and its amendments MSC.226(82) &MSC.274(85).
Arrangement of Equipment
① Each seat in the enclosed lifeboat is indicated by a black seating indicator. Seatbelts for passengers are of alternating colors for easy seat identification. Use matching colors on each side of your body when you sit down.
② The crew is using seat belts blue and yellow mutual distinction. The helmsman seat is designated by a RED seat belt and should not be occupied by any other persons.