External dimensions (LxWxH) = 431x257x256mm
Internal dimensions / Maximum battery size (LxWxH) = 339x199x224mm
Can hold battery up to 339mm long, of various group sizes (e.g. 46, 53, 92 and others)
Mounting equipment: Includes durable hold-down fastening strap and foot clamps that secure the strap onto the supporting surface (screws not included)
Restrains battery movement
Collects battery acid
Made of polypropylene
Acid, UV and heat resistant
Side handles to facilitate transportation
Lift-off lid for unobstructed inspection
Cable ports for untangled, safe cables
Tips to choose the best fit for your battery:
Ideally, choose the internal dimensions to be equal or slightly larger than your battery.
Use a spacer where it is needed to prevent the battery from moving within the box.
Remember to include the height of the terminals while measuring the battery.