The placement of Okeanis floating systems provides and ensures all the essential safety precautions for the swimmers and the sail of marine means in each region. It does not suppress the communal seashore because safety passages are created per regular distances for the controlled approach of marine means to the coast, marked suitably and light-marked with the navigation light buoys of our company throughout their whole extent during the night. The bright orange color and their elevation from the surface of the water make them exceptionally detectable and stylish. Being a standard of safety the floating systems that Okeanis manufactures are to common interest of public health and prevention of accidents. With their application, marine space is maintained without litter, seaweed and jelly-fish while simultaneously a secure area of swimming is delimited and protected from the uncontrollable sail of marine means and the accidents that they have caused in the past few years. Their application is essential in each swimming area, particularly in beaches that children are entertained or offered recreational activities. An obvious benefit from the use of floating anti-pollution systems is the tourism development of the region.
The Debris Booms type Okean-Net are the most endurable floating booms which have the broadest range of applications to the pollution problems that the marine environment has to face. Their hydrodynamic and aerodynamic design gives them exceptional floating stability and maximum endurance in all meteorological conditions.
Each part of the construction is enriched with UV- stabilizers and is made of light and durable materials,