Two versions:
* Bindings: aluminium-bronze with
Sheave: aluminium-bronze
* Bindings: stainless steel 316 with
Sheave: delrin
Wood: elm or teak
Construction: screwed and glued
Finishing treatment: elm finish gloss
Are you looking for a poulie marine with becket? Look no further because Ording Blockmakers has everything you need. Our poulies marine with becket are manufactured from the best elm or teakwood with delrin or aluminum-bronze sheaves and stainless steel or aluminum-bronze bindings. Our poulie marine with becket has a traditional and elegant look. If you choose elm, it will come finished with a shiny elm gloss.
About Ording Blockmakers
We are Ording Blockmakers, a business that supplies blocks and bindings for boats all over the world. We have a wide range of products so we can meet every one of our customers’ needs.
Thanks to our experience and knowledge we can deliver custom-made products. We have everything you need for smooth sailing.