PMS buoys are highly practical thanks to their design. They can also be produced with special hot dip galvanized metal brackets.
They are manufactered in different sizes and filled with polyurethane.
Mussel Buoys
In recent years, there have been tremendous developments in methods of breeding on buoys. The ropes hanging over the mussel buoys are dependent on each other. As one machine places them in the sea, it collects all the ropes at harvest time and harvests them easily, thus saving a lot of labour.
Aquaculture sites can be a majör hazard form marine navigation, depending on the location and depth of the water. The hazard is even greater still if sites are not properly marked. Both small and large vessels being used for recreation and commercial purposes share the same waterways where mussel farmers work. It is fort his reason that understanding and using the proper mussel farm marker buoys is critical.
PMS superior high performence mussel floats are designed and manufactured for the most demanding conditions. Ideal for inshore and offshore and locations, they are proven in the most exposed conditions of the Atlantic Ocean and can significantly improve the profitability of mussel farming enterprises.