PODUHVAT Panamax VETROsail study is currently the most advanced bulk carrier concept to date.
The proprietary design and technology are fully envisioned, developed, and presented by Poduhvat's advanced, conceptual design and engineering.
It is the first cargo ship design with the possibility to be fully powered with a renewable power of wind and sun.
Augmented with 6 major VETROsails and 17 auxiliaries with 100, next-generation, VETAR wind turbines it is equipped with 1,5MW of wind power. Wind capacity is additionally supported by 1,6 MW of solar PV adding to 3,1 MW of hybrid renewable energy power source.
Panamax VETROsail can go directly into the wind, fully ushering the wind energy, without zigzagging as other wind augmented concepts must do in order to catch the wind.
With 250MWh of battery storage, that can be recharged within 2 weeks at open sea or port, this fully electric concept ship can traverse 25 days at an average speed of 15 knots.
At 8 knots PANAMAX VETROsail has close to unlimited range under favorable weather conditions.
In practice, it means at least 50% less fuel and maintenance for the same route compared to traditional oil guzzling vessells.
The same technology can be adapted for tankers, cargo, and large passenger ships.
Unclassified technical details:
Length: 246m.
Propulsion Power: Fully electric 10MW.
Electric Power Storage: 250 MWh.
Electric Production: 1.5MW wind + 1.6MW solarPV.
DWT: 75000t.
Average cruising speed:15 knots.
The economical cruise speed: 8 knots.
GHG emission: none
Compliance with current and future IMO environmental regulations: Full
For more details, and cooperation requests, contact Poduhvat at http://poduhvat.com.