Poseidon has an unique propeller in her portfolio! A cavitation free bowtruster propeller. This propeller will create no yelling annoying noises! And so your tunnel thruster will be silent!
The propeller is patented (nr 234567890) and developed by FishFlow. Fishflow manufacturers fish safe turbines. Fish safe turbines may not disturb and damage the fishes. The developed turbine bladeshape is now used by Poseidon in a tunnel thruster where is also works without cavitation and thus the thruster is free of (propeller) noises.
The patented propeller is been engineered and manufactured by Poseidon who sales this Poseidon Silent Thruster Propeller (PSTP) wordwide.
The Poseidon Silent Thruster Propeller (PSTP) is manufactured either in non-metallic, aluminium, bronze or stainless steel. Any diameter is possible. The PSTP can also made suitable for any existing thruster. The PSTP sure will give no worse trust performance then ordinary propellers. Even better! As they do not cavitate.
We have advanced software to make required proper calculations for sizing and performance. Especially for yachts and DP vessels these PSTP are heavens!
Test results and references are available on request.