Forget about shammy!
With puRO, water onboard is super clean so there are NO SPOTS! Windows and stainless steel sparkle and shine after just a quick rinse, no wipe down required! it is a true wash-down solution which will save time and provide better results.
Wash your boat without soap
puRO water works like a liquid sponge, taking much more dirt and salt away than any other water.
Ensure your boat lives a long life
puRO will protect your fresh-water auxiliary system from CALC deposits, as well as your water heaters, ice machines, coffee machines, dishwashers etc. they all love it!
Protect your paint and varnish
With puRO paint and varnish will last longer and keep its shine for longer periods.
100% safe to drink!
Save space on board and get rid of all those plastic bottles - it's better for you, better for your guests, and much better for the environment.
A luxury vessel with luxury water
Allow your guests to enjoy pure water for all their needs.
The perfect water texture
puRO will ensure that you and your guests get to enjoy luxurious showers while onboard.