Liya flat deck rib boats also are rigid hull inflatable boats 7.5 meters.
The deck of this rib tender is very open or flat with automatically water discharge simple system. You can use it as flat boat directly, but also can install consoles and seats. All of them are more economy compared with luxury rib boats structure.
This rib boats also called inflatable dinghies, economy inflatable boats, inflatable tenders too.
Product sepcification Data
Full length:750cm/24.6ft
Full width:285cm
Inside length:610-650cm
Tube diameter:52cm
Air chamber No:8
Max passengers:10-16 persons
Engine shaft:25inch
Recommend HP:150HP
Max HP:250HP
Hull weight:650-810kg
40ft container:2pcs
Product sepcification Data
Full length:750cm/24.6ft
Full width:285cm
Inside length:610-650cm
Tube diameter:52cm
Air chamber No:8
Max passengers:10-16 persons
Engine shaft:25inch
Recommend HP:150HP
Max HP:250HP
(If install maximum hp engine, confirm with factory, very important for boat)
Hull weight:650-810kg
40ft container:2pcs
Full length:750cm/24.6ft
Full width:285cm
Inside length:610-650cm
Tube diameter:52cm
Air chamber No:8
Max passengers:10-16 persons
Engine shaft:25inch
Recommend HP:150HP
Max HP:250HP
(If install maximum hp engine, confirm with factory, very important for boat)
Hull weight:650-820kg
40ft container:2pcs