The award winning 4141 Revolver for handling bulk materials on a reach stacker is manufactured from high quality steel and components. The rotating spreader's design has a safe weight lifting of 35 tonnes per cycle and ensures an efficient and reliable performance in a demanding container/bulk terminal environments.
The Revolver's large gather guides enable a large landing platform for quick and easy landing on the container. Moreover, the the gather guides will support the container during rotation to prevent shear load on the twistlocks.
The rotating spreader is equipped with floating twistlocks which allows a certain amount of both lateral and longitude movement, as opposed to fixed twistlocks which are common for jamming.
Once ready to unload the container, the Revolver removes the sealed lid in a semi-automatic process, and rotates the container 360 degrees unloading the commodity. The lid is then replaced back on the container and the cycle continues.
The benefits to this containerised bulk handling system are endless...