This is a 12 x 6 catamaran barge. It is all modular kit form that can be transported in a couple of 12 metre open to containers.
Each of the catamaran hulls is 1.4 x 0.9 x 12 metres ex 15 mm HDPE plate. The cross raft sections 5 No (2.4 m x 6 m x 0.5 metre) are made from castellated steel girders frames with a timber decking, bat we intend to fill the void with polystyrene foam clad in HDPE skin so that there is extra emergency flotation if required. The passenger modules are ex polystyrene sandwiched with steel skins. The anticipated powering is two 200 HP outboards.
The three cabins even the one below the wheelhouse are removable to allow the ferry to be used for cargo