Thought you knew everything a wakeboard could do? Camber is the biggest development in riding since Herb O’Brien made the first fiberglass layup. Camber naturally puts you in more of a neutrally balanced weight distribution – allowing you to drive off the wake with both legs in a more ergonomically balanced body position. This is the hard charging alternative to our other camber series – The Space Blanket – for the rider that wants instant board response. A fully redesigned shape for 2017 with some major changes including a redesigned camber pocket that greatly increases the glide speed with less drag on the water, a new Air Core with I-Beam Construction, and a thinner tip/tail for less swing weight, with a faster overall rail design.K E Y F E A T U R E S:•Camber•Sharp Rail / Soft Bevel•Increased Sidecut•4 Alloy 1.0” Ramp Fins & .8” Fiberglass Free Agent Fins•Parks Bonifay Pro Model