Ship Stands can be delivered in different versions, for small lightweight boats to heavyseagoing ships.
The boats stand always are adapted for every situation. We always think about thesecurity,stability, functionality, simplicityand of course theprice.We supplyboats standsremovable, adjustableandfixedup.With stamps, who are adjustablethroughapinholemethod or ascrewspindleor acombination.We also provideseparate stamps foruse witha sliptrailerthat are isolatedorareinterconnecting.It is also possibleto placeracksinsmall boatswith abigtruckso youcan betterutilizethestorage area.
Ship stands are deliveredby uswithazincphosphatecoating oratwocomponent coating,but can alsobehot-dippedgalvanizedwhole.
With stand products from theSchilstraBoatliftSystems,yourboat is safe and secureinany weather.