Small capable vectored ROV - The vLBV300 is only 18 kg (40 lbs) in air with various payload packages available.
Powerful variable vector thruster configuration - Vectored thruster configuration provides amazing control in all horizontal directions.
Flexible stable platform - Out of the box the vLBV300 is a stable platform able to accept a wide range of cameras, sensors, tools and more.
Ultra low drag, strong tether - The vLBV300 uses the low drag, all copper tether that can be attached to the rear or top of the vLBV300 depending on conditions. Fiber optic tethers are also available.
Intuitive control system - SeaBotix MiniROV controls have been regarded as the most intuitive of all small ROVs. The vLBV300 is no different with the user friendly operator control unit and integrated control console.
The vLBV is a field proven, easily deployable, remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Its' open frame architecture enables a wide array of plug and play sensor options. This fully configurable ROV makes it ideally suited for inspection and light intervention tasks within the Marine, Infrastructure, Defense, Energy, and Aquaculture markets.
vLBV vehicle depth rated to 300 MSW - 1,000 FSW
Six (6) Brushless DC thrusters (4 vectored, 2 vertical)
Auto heading, depth and trim
Video overlay
Temperature sensor
Integrated Control System
Protective case fitted with monitor, surface power supply and operator control unit
38 cm (15 in) Color LCD monitor fitted in lid of case - waterproof
vLBV operator control unit - removable from lower tray of integrated console
Sunshade for direct sunlight operation