Hydraulic and electrical watertight sliding bulkhead doors for any type of vessels.
Watertight doors are one of the core systems provided by SeaNet.
- Over 3.500 sliding watertight and splashtight doors systems have been installed on a huge variety of ships worldwide.
- The only watertight doors with "mechanical sealing": thanks to their metal-metal joints, SeaNet doors have a perfect sealing system
- Free from risky rubber seals, they guarantee maximum watertightness, even in the event of a fire
- Tailor-made installation sizes
Over 70 large cruise vessels and yachts are currently equipped with our sliding watertight doors and splashtight doors.
Our Products:
Watertight Sliding Doors
Watertight Hinged Doors
Sliding Fire Doors
IMO Splashtight Doors