Customized Luxury
At SeaRaft, we can design customized platforms for your yacht and take it to the ultimate level of individualized luxury. By listening to the clients needs and wishes we are able to design and produce top quality custom build deck extensions specifically tailored to the yacht and it’s crew. Think of T- or M-shaped docks that hold jet skis, Seabobs and other water toys, all shaped to the yachts specific stern profile. From small sectional components to large custom platforms, we can make it yours.
Customize Your Jet Ski Dock
One of the key features of our platforms is the Air Sand Timer Connection System, allows the
inflatable platforms to be linked in multiple configurations. With a seamless connection, you
will have peace of mind when you move throughout the platforms.
Infinity Air Stairs
Mobile inflatable stairs to aid entering and exiting the water. Suitable as ‘inboard’ for Sea Pools and as an external Sea Stairs. Incl. removable and foldable stairs system for compact storage.
Air Sand Timer Connection System
A patented, flat toggle system that provides a seamless connection between the rafts.