The Pneumatic Fender is an abrasion-resistant rubber fender filled with high pressure air. It can easily be deflated which allows simple and cost effective relocation and re-commissioning in other locations.
Pneumatic Fenders are suppiled with two different inside pressure levels to cover a wide performance range.
Pneumatic Fenders are available in diameters ranging from 300 mm to 4,500 mm and lengths ranging from 500 mm to 9,000 mm, as well as special sizes.
All sizes are available as sling-type or with a heavy duty chain & tire net.
Standard colours are black and grey (Navy), other colours available upon request.
We supply as well a special hydropneumatic version for submarines. More details about Hydropneumatic Fenders.
Advantage of a proportional increase of reaction force and energy absorption
Low hull pressure
Economical solution
Easily deflateable to be used in different location and to be stored on deck
In ports with extreme tidal variations
Ship-to-ship lightering operations
Oil & Gas (typically FSRU)
Temporary Berthing