The Simrad EK80 is a high-precision scientific echo sounder and ADCP system designed to quantify and monitor underwater ecosystems. The Simrad EK80 is a modular system capable of operating several different transceiver and transducer combinations, all through the same operator station.
Based on more than 60 years of research and development in close collaboration with leading marine scientists this wide band echo sounder system has succeeded the famous EK60, which became an international standard for fish stock assessment. The Simrad EK80 is now a wideband system with an operational range from 10 kHz to 500 kHz. The extreme range resolution and improved target characterization allow for a wide range of oceanographic applications.
A wide selection of high-quality accurate surface- and depth transceivers and transducers are available for a flexible system, capable of integration on sensor platforms from small to large.
The Simrad EK80 operates with single and/or split beam transducers and provides you with a dedicated built-in application for calibration. Several transceivers are well suited for permanent installation onboard a research vessel but still compact and a natural choice for portable use.
Real-time echo integration and target strength analysis in an unlimited number of layers is provided as well as storage of raw data for replay or analysis in one of several post-processing software packages. Several post-processing alternatives are available for rapid survey analysis and reporting.
The echo sounder system is modular, and you can assemble any combinations of transceivers and transducers to fit your research purposes.